How can you grow your business when you don’t recognise your value and understand the impact of your intervention. Are you leaving money on the table and unclear about where your business is going?

Is it time to develop a clear plan of action as well as a review of your pricing strategies? Are you concerned that you and your team are leaving money on the table by overdelivering for existing clients and due to familiarity do not have the courage to charge the right fees.

Have a look at our solutions to see which one meets your needs.

Growth and Strategy Planning

Developing a clear plan of your future

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there is a common phrase. You are an established business but your buyers have changed and so is the market. There are opportunities but you are unsure as to how to capitalise on them and which ones to let go.

The Executive Coaching service arm is designed to meet your specific needs – working through the pressing challenges that can help you look at your business differently.

Get in touch if you would like to learn more

Team Coaching

Grow your business and know your value’ is a 6-month programme for professional service firm, managers and senior managers and business owners. And because it’s practical and 100% results focused, it will help to grow your business.

What is it?

This unique coaching programme has been designed specifically for Independents or Solo Boutique owners in Professional Services who do not understand the value of their contribution to their clients objectives.

Learn how to increase your fees

Learn the questions to ask when talking to clients

Understand how to package and present your services

How to stop billing by the hour and implement and value based pricing strategy

The strategies you should use when submitting a proposal – how to ensure you improve your chances of winning the business

Understand your true value and charge your worth

Knowing your value
Finally, we explore, in detail, how you engage with both existing and potential, clients, we examine how successful you are at selling your services; this involves helping you to understand whether you’re stuck in the same old process, or you really are giving your customer the value you believe you are.

“Before meeting Morton, we had been in a plateau for a few years – our turnover had remained around the same along with our profits for several years, despite working through a number of strategies to increase both.


Before starting this journey, we wanted to develop a growth plan and focus on building the company. Through the work we have done together, Morton has helped to understand our value which has led to a more strategic approach to our business.

By understanding our own value, we are able to add value to our clients and provide a better service to them. Without Morton we would not have the understanding of ourselves and therefore our clients that we now do. His work has been invaluable. Morton’s work with us has had a significant financial impact.


By analysing our bottom line and approach, we have increased our turnover and profits over the last year which is fundamental to our continued success. Our team has widened, our clients are happier with our approach and most importantly we are growing as a company with a motivated team.”


— Andrew Harrison, MD-Clockwise