As A Business-to-Business Professional, Do You Ever Ask Yourself These Questions:

“How do I learn how to ask for what I’m worth?”
“How do I get clients to understand the value of my service?”
“How can I charge the right fees for the work that I do?”
“How do I attract more quality clients to my business?”

Don’t worry, you are not alone, because if you are a coach, consultant or B2B professional, you can probably relate to this.

This is nothing to do with your experience, ability or knowledge. It’s down to outdated fee structures (like hourly billing) and a lack of confidence, a dangerous combination that limits your earnings.

But this is a problem you can solve with me.

When you change your mindset, you can break through the self-imposed limit you have on your earnings and success.

This is difficult to do without help, that is why I’m running a seven-week Value Based Pricing and Charging What You’re Worth Program to show you how to know your worth, change your fee structure, win more and better clients, and boost your profits.

Over the years, clients have told me that one of their biggest worries is – knowing what to charge and having the confidence and self -belief to hold firm in the fees they want to charge. I’ve helped clients to increase their confidence, income and the awareness of their value.


“I worked with Morton recently to review my fee structure and I have to say the sessions were truly eye opening, Morton has a way of pulling out so much information out of you that you see the real value you provide to your clients. It has made me see my services and my fee structure in a different way. I would highly recommend his services.”
Maureen Ogbu – Reen Anderson – HMO Solicitor


“I was lost having a hard time articulating my offering and thereby confusing my client and not getting to the point of clarity to closing a sale.

My clients had been coming from word of mouth and I was not skilled in the sales process. I knew how to do deliver but could not articulate the difference and was too technical in my delivery. I was stuck on closing a sale and my pricing explanation was also way off.

Morton took time to understand what I do. In the process, he pointed out how over technical I was and thereby losing the customer from the start.

We went over this for many sessions until I got it clear.

Another big difference was breaking down the pricing and how to deliver the value for money. I really could not see how to do this in the beginning. Morton made is so simple after having struggled for so many years. I gained clarity on my services from the perspective of a brand-new potential client interaction.

Morton aided me to breakdown my service offering and clarify pricing. The experience has made my business feel complete and that if someone does not want my services it is not because of my delivery. I feel much more confident.

Being a sole proprietor requires a business owner to find assistance and Morton was that sounding board for me to put my rudder in the correct direction. I had to take a break from sessions before I really saw the impact of my change on my business. Morton has been a wonderful guide to show me how to upgrade my concepts of value that were there all along.” Natalie Piquex – Intrinsic Shifts

How does it work?

1. There are seven 90 – minute group training sessions via Zoom every fortnight
2. One 1-2-1 private coaching session
3. Assignments for each section

Here’s what you gain from attending the program:

1. Learn your value and how to stand up for the fees you want
2. Learn how to ask for what you are worth
3. Learn how to hold firm and handle objection to higher fees
4. Stop negotiating down when clients say they don’t have the budget
5. Present your offer with confidence and know how to hold out for it
6. Learn and practice the powerful questions you should ask in any sales conversation
7. Be able to identify, and communicate the value you provide
8. Recognise your worth, and boost your confidence
9. Attract the right customers who focus on quality and results and happy to pay your fee.
10. Identify the limiting beliefs holding you back from having greater success

When does the program begin?

The program starts on Wednesday, 13th September 2022.
1. All of the group sessions will be at 6pm.
2. There will be recordings of all the sessions.

Learning by practice

My approach is experiential where you will learn and apply the techniques in group and while away from the session. You’ll be encouraged to keep a log journal to explore your development.

This program is about knowing how to communicate the value of your services so that prospective clients, want to know more, and work with you.