Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re constantly dissatisfied with how someone treats you—be it your boss, a client, or a significant other? I’ve been there, and I understand the emotional toll it can take.

It’s time to realise that it’s not about them; it’s about you and what you’ve chosen to tolerate.

When you accept poor treatment, it means your personal value thermostat is set too low. This ‘thermostat’ is a metaphor for your self-worth and the standards you set for how you should be treated. To improve your life, you need to raise it.

Recognising the signs:
• Your boss speaks to you harshly or dismissively.
• Clients consistently pay late and show little regard or respect.
• Your significant other disregards your feelings and frequently makes excuses for their behaviour.

Each of these situations involves accepting unacceptable behaviour. You hope and believe that if you wait it out, they’ll treat you better – not so.

Here’s the thing: they are being themselves. And it’s an essential mental shift you need to make.

If you don’t address it early, eventually it becomes normalised behaviour, and you start to accept it even though you know it’s wrong deep down.

So, when you decide to start valuing yourself, summon the courage, take action, and do whatever it takes to address the issue. Remember, change won’t happen until you make it happen.

Stop complaining to your friends or anyone who will listen and take responsibility for what you want in your life. Don’t wait to be saved.

Remember, the other side of fear is joy, and every step you take towards raising your personal value thermostat is a step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

I’m planning a value workshop to help people tackle issues like these – what keeps us stuck, imposter syndrome. This workshop will delve into why we tolerate such behaviours and how they keep us stuck. We’ll explore practical strategies to raise your value and create healthier boundaries.

Change doesn’t happen overnight; it begins with the decision to change, and this workshop will equip you with the tools to make that decision.