One of the best ways to reinforce your value is to have regular meetings with clients, not just a regular update meeting but outlining how much their situation has improved since you started working together – for instance, do you have evidence of money saved, improved staff relationships, increased fees, or recruitment processes where they are now recruiting more quality people.
Halfway through a consultation with a client, I booked a review meeting. Whenever I conduct a review, I prepare PowerPoint slides with images of where they were before we started working together, the journey and the massive improvements they had made. The Directors said to me later, “I didn’t realise we’ve achieved so much.”
It’s easy for a client to forget the value you’ve added and lose track of who’s done what and only focus on what else needs to be done – which is why you should have regular review meetings and ask for a testimonial during the intervention as it’s much harder to do after the work has been finished, as quite often they cannot remember.
Regularly note how much you’ve improved your client’s situation, and then book that review meeting as soon as possible.