As explained last week, building and maintaining a client’s trust is the backbone of any business or professional relationship.

I’ve broken these tips up because they are so important, and achieving Trusted Advisor status is not just for Consultants or senior advisors; it could be in your job.

A typical scenario could be – let’s ask Jane; she has a good understanding. Give it to Michael; he will take care of it for us, and we won’t need to worry.   That is Trusted Adviser status.

1: Misrepresentation: Promising outcomes that you or your team cannot realistically achieve. 🤥

2: Inconsistent Performance: Failing to deliver results on time or meet expectations. 🔄

3: Failure to Meet Deadlines: Missing project deadlines without informing the client causes frustration and undermines reliability. ⌛

4: Lack of Transparency:  Being afraid to reveal the truth.  Withholding information about processes, costs, or potential challenges. This can cause irreparable damage to your reputation. 🕵️‍♂️

5: Poor Customer Support: Poor response times and not responding to emails or calls in a timely fashion, especially during emergencies, damage the client’s experience of you. 📞

6: Conflict of Interest: If you know there is a potential conflict, address it quickly.

Undermining Client Image: Making your client look bad when referred – turning up late, low-quality work, which could damage their reputation.