What could you do that would pleasantly surprise your client?

I’m not talking about a branded product with your business name – but something solely for them.

Most Saturdays, I go shopping with my wife as she says it’s the one thing she wants me to do with her during the week, and you know what they say about a happy wife and a happy home. 😊

After shopping, we often go for breakfast in one of the local cafes, and this particular week, we went to a lovely quaint cafe in Romford.

It’s an opportunity to catch up on the week and have some great convo.

The waitress brought a teapot with a tea cosy covering it. The quaintness took us by surprise, as it was functional but with a very subtle touch.

We were so impressed that we asked the open question could I do something similar that would be a nice touch and that clients would appreciate but least expect?

Here’s the key caveat – it must not cost the earth or a branded product.

For example:
A report that can give an insight into where your client’s business or industry would be five years from now which can save time and keep them up to date.

A summary that shows how your clients compare to others, both within and outside the industry.

I call these little touches. It does not take much time, but it can add tremendous value.

My clients are pleasantly surprised when I give them my version of a tea cosy.

Sometimes, it’s the little things that create the greatest impact and go a long way.

Think of something you can give your client that they least expect.

Be creative.