How often do you take time away from your business to consider where you are and the future?

The Know Your Value VIP intensive might be precisely what you need.

This VIP Intensive is for the busy business owner who is ambitious, time-constrained and wants to take all their dreams, challenges and ideas from their head and put it on paper.

We craft your ideal future, and through the growth map, you will have mapped out a 3-year plan with an actionable plan for the next 12 months. And take a deep dive into being able to identify and communicate the value of your service.

This program does exactly that.

Here is what you leave with:

✳️ Identify and communicate your value – you will be able to communicate how much of a
difference your work has benefited your clients – with clear examples.

✳️ You’ll learn about value pricing and, if you are, how to move away from hourly billing.

✳️ You’ll develop a 3-year growth map that many of my clients have found from its clarity; they speed through their growth plans.

✳️ You will review your value propositions, identifying the pains and gains of each customer segment.

✳️ You will feel invigorated and renewed about your business and what you will achieve.

It’s two days of discovery, as one recent client called it.

✳️ You will be able to stand firm in your fees as you know the value of your work.

Rome was not built in a day, and I don’t want to give the impression that over two days, you will reach Nirvana; not so, as there will be additional support, but what you will have is clarity.

Most importantly, you will understand your value and be less inclined to undervalue your expertise, undercharge and feel less of an imposter and more of a peer.